Check out the latest offering from the efsa ( European Food Safety Authority)
The efsa now have a video series entitled Understanding science. The series includes short video presentations on Campylobacter, Salmonella, GM foods etc. Well worth a visit.
The FSPA Food Safety Assurance Award scheme is now entering its second year and now the FSPA is expanding its auditor base as well as the number of premises interested in achieving the standard. It is a challenge for a business to achieve the required standard but well worth the effort as food safety is priceless.
Pictured at the recent unveiling of the Food Safety Professionals Association parchment is Joe McHugh who is one of the trainers on the FSPA trainers panel offering food safety, HACCP and Food hygiene programmes throught the FSPA QA centre. The FSPA has agreed its QA prodcdures with FETAC and offers programmes leading to FETAC awards at levels 4&5 on the National Framework of qualifications.